Decision details

Bolsover Homes Scheme at the Woodlands, Langwith

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Executive considered the report of the Portfolio Holder – Housing, which south approval to enter into a contract to deliver the Woodlands (1) scheme through the existing Bolsover Homes Framework.


The Woodlands (1) scheme would provide 4 one bed houses, 8 two bed houses, 4 three bed houses, 1 four bed house and 2 two bed bungalows, totalling 19 properties.  Planning permission for the scheme had already been granted and a plan of the approved scheme was attached to the report at Appendix 1.  The financial implications were set out in the report and a viability appraisal summary for the scheme was attached to the report at Appendix 2.


Moved by Councillor Sandra Peake and seconded by Councillor Duncan McGregor



1)    an expenditure budget, as outlined within the report, to deliver the Woodlands (1) social housing building scheme, be approved.


2)    the recommendation to enter into a contract for the development of a further 19 properties in Whaley Thorns, as outlined in the report, be supported.


(Assistant Director of Property Services and Housing Repairs)



To deliver the Council’s target of building a minimum of 150 new Council properties by March 2024.



To not support the development but this would not work towards achieving the Council’s agreed ambition of building 150 social housing properties, nor would it help meet the current demand for social housing in Whaley Thorns.


[Paragraph 3]

Reason Key: Capital Income or Expenditure of £150,000 or more;

Publication date: 03/11/2021

Date of decision: 01/11/2021

Decided at meeting: 01/11/2021 - Executive

Effective from: 11/11/2021

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