Decision details

Update on Town Centre Regeneration Frameworks (Verbal Report)

Decision Maker: Local Growth Scrutiny Committee

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Assistant Director of Development and Planning noted that it was timely to look at the previous Regeneration Frameworks given the length of time since their original publication, and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and current programmes of work within the District.  He also noticed the service’s limited capacity for additional large-scale projects due to current work on the Levelling-Up Funding Bid.


It was suggested that a scorecard approach could be used taking each Framework in turn to assess them on actions completed; those in progress; those no longer viable; and new options for development.  The officer felt it was important to establish if the Frameworks reflected current priorities, and that it may be pertinent to focus on Bolsover and Shirebrook given the current work happening in those areas.


Councillor Tom Kirkham agreed with this approach in part but felt that all four Frameworks needed review due to the length of time since publication (2016).  He also felt that there were lots of cross-cutting issues that could be further highlighted.


The Assistant Director suggested that Bolsover may be the best area to start with given the current funding bids being worked on.  This could be done via a case study approach detailing recent/current activity and how this related to the previous Framework agreed.  Furthermore, it was important to try and assign estimate costs for some of the ideas given the rise in inflation and current financial situation.  This was highlighted as a weakness in the current Frameworks.  Members agreed with this approach.


Members noted that areas of discussion should incorporate town centre markets, travel within and to the centre, Shop Local, options for local incentive schemes e.g. Bolsover Spend a Fiver and school reward voucher schemes.


Moved by Councillor Derek Adams and seconded by Councillor Jen Wilson


(1)  The Frameworks would be reviewed in turn across the remaining meetings of the year in the following order: Bolsover, Shirebrook, Clowne, and South Normanton. 

(2)  That the item planned in relation to Shop Local and Town Centre Viability be integrated across the four Framework discussions, rather than as a separate item in December.

(3)  The Scrutiny & Elections Officer to amend the work programme accordingly.


(Assistant Director of Development & Planning/ Scrutiny & Elections Officer)



Publication date: 14/12/2022

Date of decision: 01/08/2022

Decided at meeting: 01/08/2022 - Local Growth Scrutiny Committee

Effective from: 16/09/2022

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