Decision details

The direct award through the EEM framework for External Wall Insulation works

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The delivery of External Wall Insulation to 82 properties through an accredited installer.


Executive considered a report of the Portfolio Holder – Housing which sought approval for the award of a contract for the installation of External Wall Insulation (EWI) to 82 Council properties.


It had been identified that the Council had a number of dwellings which would qualify for Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery Phase 1B.  This scheme aimed to raise the energy efficiency of low-income and low Energy Performance Certified (EPC) rated homes.


It was proposed that a direct award to deliver this work be made through the Efficiency East Midlands (EEM) framework to Sustainable Building Services (SBS).  There was an urgent need to appoint an installer due to the short time scales to spend the grant funding by September 2021 and the growing shortage of accredited installers.


Moved by Councillor Sandra Peake and seconded by Councillor Mary Dooley



1)    the External Wall Insulation Contract be awarded directly to Sustainable Building Services through the Efficiency East Midlands Framework.


2)    progress on the contract be reported through the Housing Stock Group.



It was recommended to directly award the contract to guarantee to deliver the scheme and secure the funding support.



A full competitive tender carried out by the Council or a mini competition within the Framework.  This was rejected because of the extremely tight timescales to complete the works and the necessity to secure a certified and competent contractor.


(Director of Development)


(Paragraph 3)

Reason Key: Capital Income or Expenditure of £150,000 or more;

Contact: Ian Barber, Director of Property & Contruction (Dragonfly Development Ltd) Email:

Report author: Ian Barber

Publication date: 24/02/2021

Date of decision: 22/02/2021

Decided at meeting: 22/02/2021 - Executive

Effective from: 04/03/2021

  • Restricted enclosure  