Issue - meetings

Culverts Remedial Works at Pleasley Vale Business Park (MAY NOT GO) -

Meeting: 09/12/2020 - Council (Item 42)

Culverts Remedial Works at Pleasley Vale Business Park

Report of the Portfolio Holder - Housing and Community Safety

(Exempt – Paragraph 3)



Councillor Liz Smyth presented a report to Members proposing that work is addedto the Capital Programme for 20/21 to allow the Facilities team to appoint OnSite Central Ltd to carry out identified culvert remedial works at Pleasley Vale Business Park for the sum of £105,000.00.


On being put to the vote it was RESOLVED that this work be added to the Capital Programme for 20/21 to allow the Facilities team to appoint OnSite Central Ltd to carry out identified culvert remedial works at Pleasley Vale Business Park for the sum of £105,000.00.

(Section 151 Officer)