24 Ambition Plan Targets Performance Update - April to June 2023 PDF 563 KB
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The Information, Engagement & Performance Manager updated Members on
performance against the Ambition Plan Targets for April 2023 to June 2023.
Out of the 31 targets, 20 (65%) were on track, 2 (6%) had achieved their outturn
for 2022/23, 1 (3%) was under review, and 8 (26%) had achieved their outturns previously.
Out of the 50 performance indicators, 36 (72%) had a positive outturn, 12 (24%)
had a negative outturn, and 2 (4%) were within target.
Appendices to the report provided a detailed breakdown of targets by service area, and a detailed breakdown of negative performance indicators, which
included an explanation of why each target had not been met.
Moved by Councillor Justin Gilbody and seconded by Councillor David Bennett
RESOLVED that the quarterly outturns against the Council Ambition 2020-2024
targets and relevant performance indicators be noted.