27 Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement 2022/23 PDF 431 KB
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The Principal Planning Policy Officer presented the Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement for 2022/23.
It was noted that during 2022/23 the total amount secured through new Section 106 agreements was £1,063,521.50. The total amount of Section 106 monies held from previous years was £1,466,946.75. Of these funds already held by the Council, the main spending on infrastructure in the monitoring year was on Sports Provision, totalling £132,989.28. Spending on Health infrastructure followed with £97,188 committed to improvements in primary health care in Tibshelf. The provision of Green Space infrastructure using S106 funding totalled £29,861.
Members noted the importance of Section 106 monitoring to ensure that the money was spent in the allotted time and wasn’t at risk of being clawed back by developers.
It was queried whether the Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement document would be sent to Parish Councils. The Principal Planning Policy Officer confirmed that the document would be published on the Councils website so that local ward members could advise Parish Clerks how to access it.
Moved by Councillor Duncan McGregor and seconded by Councillor John Ritchie
1) the requirements of the Community Infrastructure Levy (Amendment) (England) (No. 2) Regulations 2019 in relation to Annual Infrastructure Funding Statements and be noted,
2) the format and content of the Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement 2022/23, and the decision to publish it to comply with the regulations be approved.
The meeting concluded at 10:15 hours.