51 Ambition Plan Targets Performance Update - October 2023 to December 2023 PDF 563 KB
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The Information, Engagement and Performance Manager gave members an update on performance against the Ambition Plan Targets from October 2023 – December 2023.
It was noted that out of the 25 targets 17 (68%) were on track and 8 (32%) had achieved their outturn previously.
Out of the 48 performance indicators 38 (80%) had a positive outturn, 8 (16%) had a negative outturn and 2 (4%) were within target.
The appendices to the report contained a detailed breakdown of the targets and an explanation of those that were below target.
A Member queried CSP 25 and highlighted that there had been a downward trend across the last three quarters. It was suggested that the number of complaints be included in brackets.
Members queried where performance figures for Dragonfly would be reported to. The Monitoring Officer advised that the Service level Agreement contained requirements to provide performance details to the Council’s Shareholder Board, however there may be the option for this information to be referred to the Finance and Corporate Overview Scrutiny Committee.
Moved by Councillor Tom Munro and seconded by Councillor David Bennett
RESOLVED that the quarterly outturns against the Council Ambition 2020-2024 targets and relevant performance indicators be noted.