Issue - meetings

Housing Ombudsman Self-Assessment Report

Meeting: 03/06/2024 - Customer Services Scrutiny Committee (Item 9)

Housing Ombudsman Self-Assessment Report - Verbal Update


The Customer Standards and Complaints Officer explained since April 2024 the Council had changed the rules and the amount of time to respond to Complaints.  Stage 1 Complaints had seen an increase and it remained important to capture all relevant data, using the example of improvements and trends taking place.


The Council’s website and the Complaint and Customer Services leaflet had been updated.  The Head of Service – Housing Management explained due to time constraints, a final copy of the leaflet could not be provided to the Committee for consideration, adding that the Housing Regulation Act 2023 required all local authorities to provide proof of them meeting the new code. The report was being prepared, and while no final version was ready for the Committee, it would be provided to the Executive on 24th June and full Council after.


The Chair stated it was good to know the new guidelines for tenants had been made a priority.


The Head of Service – Housing Management noted all appeals were now going through the correct process due to the previous unsustainable demand on the Housing Register.  The Portfolio for Housing added that many on the Housing Register had been present for 15 years as a “just in case” measure, but the new rules would not prevent those in genuine need of a Council property being housed; they would stay protected.


Moved by Councillor Amanda Davis and seconded by Councillor Vicky Wapplington

RESOLVED that the verbal report be noted.


The Head of Service – Housing Management, Customer Services Manager, and the Customer Standards and Complaints Officer left the meeting.