Issue - meetings

Pleasley Vale Regeneration Programme - Verbal Update

Meeting: 25/06/2024 - Local Growth Scrutiny Committee (Item 7)

Pleasley Vale Regeneration Programme - Verbal Update


The Business Growth Manager provided a verbal update on the Pleasley Vale Business Park regeneration project.


Little progress had been made since the written report provided to the Committee at the last meeting, though of note were the following:


·       There was a recruitment process following a member of staff moving to the Planning Team;

·       Discussions around the options appraisal for the Gate House lodgers were taking place;

·       The Council was working with West Notts. College to identify opportunities to work with their students on a real-life project;

·       Beaumont Rivers were mobilising works on site with ground clearance along the river course (equipment was being delivered on the day of the Committee).  The Business Growth Manager would continue to update the Committee on this vital work moving forward.

·       The works to repair the damage caused by Storm Babet in October 2023 continued to take place.  This was a lengthy process with the Council working with the insurers, the loss adjusters, the contractors, etc., though the water levels remained significantly high (required investigations had not been able to take place).


The Business Growth Manager noted that Pleasley Vale Business Park was operational, and tenants continued to operate on site; certain surveys could only take place once the water levels had dropped to a safe level.


A Member asked about the Skill Centre agreed several months previously.  The Business Growth Manager explained the works of the Council as the landlord of the site were nearly complete.  Once these works were completed the lease would be formalised and the tenant would take up occupation on site and carry out their own works; an anticipated opening of the Skill Centre was expected September 2024.


RESOLVED that the verbal update be noted.