Issue - meetings

Social Value Policy Review

Meeting: 03/09/2024 - Local Growth Scrutiny Committee (Item 18)

18 Social Value Policy Review pdf icon PDF 318 KB

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The Monitoring Officer explained on 3rd October 2022, the Executive had approved six recommendations from the Committee.  One recommendation had been the adoption of a Social value Policy (the “Policy”).  Another was that all procurements over £75,000 would be required to demonstrate social value outcomes as part of the tender, evaluation and delivery processes.


The Procurement and Partnership teams had produced the draft Policy which incorporated the recommendations of the Committee.


The Policy provided a framework for ensuring the Council met its obligations under the Social Value Act 2012.  It was also anticipated this would be built upon following the introduction of the Procurement Act 2023 (in force from October 2024; authorities would need to maximize public benefit, with a shift from looking for the “most economically advantage tender” to the “most advantageous tender”.


The Policy would be one that was under constant review, with both Procurement and Partnership playing key roles in its development.


Questions on the figures presented in the supplementary report, and regional variations of the UK were answered by the Leader’s Executive and Partnership Strategy Manager and Monitoring Officer.


On a question of the Policy extending to Dragonfly Development Limited (DDL) and the issue of procurements, the Head of Business Growth explained DDL was developing its own Policy.


RESOLVED that the attached Social Value Policy be considered and for             Committee to provide any comments to the Executive