Issue - meetings

Medium Term Financial Strategy

Meeting: 09/09/2024 - Executive (Item 9.)

9. Medium Term Financial Strategy pdf icon PDF 307 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that 1) Members approve the Medium-Term Financial Strategy at Appendix 1,


2) the Council continues to fund the General Fund revenue base budget from the full amount of New Homes Bonus (and related grants such as Services Grant) allocated by Government,


3) to set the strategic intention to continue to be a member of the Derbyshire Business Rates Pool while ever it is financially advantageous for the Council to do so,


4) to set the strategic intention to raise Council Tax by the maximum allowed in any given year, without triggering a Council Tax referendum, to endeavour to continue to deliver services. (The actual Council Tax for any given year will be decided by Council in the preceding March),


5) the Council maintains a policy of a minimum level of Balances for the General Fund of £2m