Issue - meetings

Review of Members ICT & Support and ICT Service Delivery: Interim Report - (Post Scrutiny Monitoring Update)

Meeting: 16/09/2024 - Customer Services Scrutiny Committee (Item 27)

27 Review of Members ICT & Support and ICT Service Delivery - Post- Scrutiny Monitoring (Second Interim Report) pdf icon PDF 556 KB

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The Scrutiny Officer explained the review had initially commenced 2020/21 because of operational issues raised by the COVID-19 Global Pandemic.  When the review re-started 2022/23, the aim refocussed on Member ICT equipment and support.


Members had remained concerned on the following: remote support for iPads to enable easier updates; Member ICT equipment; Member ICT support; Council Chamber/meeting room ICT equipment; power supply within the Council Chamber; creation of a Member IT Working Group; accessibility of; and access to the Council’s intranet.


The Committee had put together 13 recommendations with the aim to assist the Council in improving equipment provision and support to Members, and the operation of meeting spaces within a modern post-COVID-19 environment.


9 out of these 13 recommendations had been achieved (2 completed behind schedule).


The remaining 4 recommendations had been extended.  These were: that necessary works be completed in the Council Chamber to upgrade the power supply; that consideration be given to providing additional access to the intranet (either via an extranet link or additional on-site PC/Laptop provision) for Members; that a review of the Council Chamber and meeting room ICT equipment takes place; and that a review of Members’ ICT Equipment provision also takes place.


A Member raised that a previous discussion on Members’ ICT Equipment included laptops with mobile network access using sim cards.  The Chair agreed that this would be useful when out of office to fulfil Council business and Member casework.  The Scrutiny Officer explained the Director of ICT had provided an update two weeks prior but would investigate this point.


Moved by Councillor Vicky Wapplington and seconded by Councillor Phil Smith

RESOLVED that: 1) Members note the progress against the review recommendations;


2)    that Members acknowledge any exceptions to delivery and clarify the additional action required by the service;


3)    that Members make its report and findings public, in accordance with Part 4.5.17(4) of the Council’s Constitution;


4)    that Officers continue to implement the recommendations and submit a further report in six months’ time highlighting progress and any exceptions to delivery.