5 Tenant Satisfaction Measures 2024/25 PDF 137 KB
· Q2 Management Information Measures
· Perception Survey
Additional documents:
The Housing Strategy and Development Officer presented the report to the Board.
The Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM) were introduced by the UK National Government in April 2023. They were designed to monitor landlords in providing quality homes and services, and to identify improvements.
Officers had completed a review of the methodology used in 2023/24, evaluating the response rate and quality of the data. They had also adapted additional questions asked by the Council.
Data was being gathered for 2024/25 via email, text and post. With email the first point of contact, the cost of delivering the survey had reduced.
There was a need to match the same number of respondents as the previous year.
Attached as Appendix 1 was the Tenant Satisfaction Measures – Perception Measures 2024/25. Attached as Appendix 2 was the Tenant Satisfaction Measures – Management Information 2024/25.
Prompted by the Chair, the Housing Strategy and Development Officer explained the weighted and unweighted data to the Board. Unweighted was the raw data received, while weighted used a specific UK National Government provided calculation to allow the data to better reflect the general tenant population – not all demographics had submitted responses in the previous year, hence the need for weighted data sets to better reflect the Council’s performance.
To improve the data further, the housing type and geographic location of properties would also be collected.
The Council had an overall favourable satisfaction level when compared with other providers.
A Member noted Bolsover Town had a lower satisfaction rate when compared with the rest of the District. The Housing Strategy and Development Officer stated the response from South Normanton had been limited, unbalancing the District’s data; Members from the area would be informed to try and help drive up participation.
To a question on how many responses were required to provide the data that would better reflect the District, the Housing Strategy and Development Officer stated there had been 1400-1500 responses received last year out of 5000 tenants contacted (50% of the tenant population). With the intention to contact all tenants this year, that figure should be matched and surpassed.
To a question on incentivising tenants to respond, the Housing Strategy and Development Officer explained a shopping voucher had been provided to a random winner in each batch of responses collected. This would be repeated.
It was noted the TSM Code TP12, “satisfaction with the landlord’s approach to handling anti-social behaviour”, was multifaceted and difficult for the Council to respond to. The Housing Strategy and Development Officer agreed, stating the question was mandatory but poorly written, with no feeder question provided.
Many ‘don’t know’ answers were recorded but not included in the data, resulting in only ‘satisfied’ or ‘dissatisfied’ answers shaping and negatively affecting the result.
A Member felt the question on the handling of anti-social behaviour could be unfair, as some may regard children playing outside as anti-social behaviour.
To a question on if the Council followed up on those tenants who had responded that they did not ... view the full minutes text for item 5