Issue - meetings

Application no. - Description - Location

Meeting: 19/02/2025 - Planning Committee (Item 147)

147 Application no. 24/00361/FUL - Erection of 2 industrial buildings for storage associated with existing Railway Maintenance Business Unit, 60 Brookhill Road, Pinxton pdf icon PDF 737 KB

Additional documents:


Committee considered a detailed report in relation to the above application presented by the Development Management and Land Charges Manager, who gave details of the application and highlighted the location and features of the site and key issues.  The planning application sought approval for the erection of 2 industrial buildings for storage associated with existing railway maintenance business.


The application had been deferred from the previous meeting to enable a site visit by Members.


Mr. D. Palos attended the meeting and spoke against the application.


Mr. M. Prothero (the applicant) spoke in support of the application.


Mr. S. Clarke spoke in support of the application.


In answer to a question, Mr. S. Clarke stated loaded trailers would be reversed into intended holding areas (along with railway maintenance equipment) to be stored securely.


To statements made, the Development Management and Land Charges Manager confirmed that the 2016 application had been refused on residential amenity grounds.  However, it was explained that this application sought permission for a building that was 8.3 metres high to ridge in close proximity to the eastern boundary.  The application before Committee sought permission for buildings that were 4.6 metres high to eaves (5.8 metres to ridge) and would be set 2-4 metres in from boundaries.


Moved by Councillor John Ritchie and seconded by Councillor Carol Wood

RESOLVED that current application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:


1.    The development must be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


2.    The development must be carried out in accordance with the following plans submitted with the application:


·       Revised ‘UNIT C1 – Proposed Elevation and Floor Layout’ plans received on the 1st November 2024.

·       Revised ‘UNIT C2 – Proposed Elevations and Floor Layout’ plans received on the 1st November 2024.

·       ‘Cross Sections through the Site’ plans received on the 1st November 2024.

·       Revised ‘Block Plan’ received on the 1st November 2024.


3.    No development must take place until details of the materials to be used in construction of the external surfaces of the buildings hereby permitted have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The development must be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


4.    The two buildings hereby approved must only be used for storage purposes in association with the primary use of the site and not for other industrial manufacturing or industrial operations.


5.    Prior to the commencement of the development (excluding demolition of existing structures and site clearance):


a)    scheme of intrusive investigations has been carried out on site to establish the risks posed to the development by past coal mining activity; and,


b)    any remediation works and/or mitigation measures to address land instability arising from coal mining legacy, as may be necessary, have been implemented on site in full in order to ensure that the site is made safe and stable for the development proposed.


The intrusive site investigations and remedial works shall be carried out in accordance with  ...  view the full minutes text for item 147

Meeting: 22/01/2025 - Planning Committee (Item 134)

134 Application no. 24/00361/FUL - Erection of 2 industrial buildings for storage associated with existing Railway Maintenance Business Unit, 60 Brookhill Road, Pinxton pdf icon PDF 736 KB


Committee considered a detailed report in relation to the above application presented by the Development and Land Charges Manager who gave details of the application and highlighted the location and features of the site and key issues.  The planning application sought approval for the erection of 2 industrial buildings for storage associated with existing railway maintenance business.  A video of the site was also shown to members as there had not been a site visit.


Mr D Palos attended the meeting and spoke against the application.


Mr A Redmond (the agent attended the meeting on behalf of the applicant and spoke in support of the application.


Members sought clarity on the location and height of hedging and fencing and proximity to the speaker’s property and it was suggested that this application be deferred until a site visit had taken place.  Members also encouraged the agent to engage with Mr D Palos to look at ways of minimising the impacts of the development on their residential amenity.


Moved by Councillor Duncan McGregor and seconded by Councillor John Ritchie to defer consideration of this application and following a vote

It was RESOLVED that this planning application be deferred to a future meeting.


Councillors Deborah Watson and Carol Wood left the meeting having previously declared interests in the following items.