Chair's Announcements
To receive any announcements that the Chair of the Council may desire to lay before the meeting.
Prior to making his announcements the Chair invited Councillor Sandra Peake to speak to Council. Councillor Sandra Peake sought Council approval for a minute’s silence to reflect on the 80th anniversary of the Holocaust, liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau and all victims of any war. Councillor Sandra Peake stated that she had visited Auschwitz-Birkenau and one of the abiding memories was the quiet and stillness of the camps.
Councillor Sandra Peake moved to hold a minute’s silence for the 80th anniversary and all victims of war anywhere, this was seconded by Councillor Tom Munro RESOLVED to hold a minute’s silence and reflection.
Following the minute’s silence the Chair resumed the meeting and informed Council that following the resignations of Councillor Steve Fritchley as Leader of the Council and Councillor Duncan McGregor as Deputy Leader of the Council, he wished to place on record his thanks for their support over the last seven years in his role and wished them both the best.
The Chair then read out a statement to Council on their behalf.
Councillor Sandra Peake also expressed her thanks for what Councillors Steve Fritchley and Duncan McGregor have done for the authority and their achievements stating that she felt sure that this would be echoed by other members in the room.