73 Partnerships Annual Report PDF 450 KB
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The Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing introduced the Bolsover Partnership Annual Report stating that teamwork was the foundation of the partnership and that the report showcased everything that was great in Bolsover which needed to be built on to face whatever challenges lay ahead in the future.
The Independent Chair of Bolsover Partnership, Mandy Chambers presented the report and delivered a presentation highlighting the work of the partnership. Adding that it was important to remember the real life impact of the work of the partnership, ensuring robust monitoring of spending the funding, effectiveness of projects and outcomes of project delivery.
Councillor Mary Dooley moved and Councillor Jane Yates seconded
RESOLVED that (1) the Bolsover Partnership Annual Report for 2023/2024 be received; and
(2) the approach directing Bolsover Partnership’s evolution be endorsed.
Due to the length of the meeting the Chair proposed that the partnership video be shown at the end of the March meeting of Council.