Issue - meetings

Business Growth Strategy - Monitoring Update

Meeting: 21/01/2025 - Local Growth Scrutiny Committee (Item 37)

Business Growth Strategy - Monitoring Update (Verbal)


The Head of Business Growth provided a verbal update on the Council’s Business Growth Strategy (the ‘Strategy’).


The Strategy was being drafted and would cover 2025-29.  The Business Growth team had been working with different departments across the Council (two workshops had been held with the Housing, Planning and Leisure teams). 


Consultation with the Devolution team had also taken place.


It was envisaged the Strategy would be similar to the current plan, though additionally capture 5 main themes to align with the East Midlands County Combined Authority’s 5 broad priority areas (Land & Housing; Net Zero & Environment; Business Growth & Innovation; Skills and Adult Education; and Public Health).


A further meeting had taken place in the previous week and a report would be provided to the Committee’s next meeting.


Moved by Councillor Tom Munro and seconded by Councillor Jeanne Raspin

RESOLVED that the verbal update be noted.