Committee considered a detailed report in relation to the above application presented by the Development and Land Charges Manager who gave details of the application and highlighted the location and features of the site and key issues. The application sought approval for the erection of 74 dwellings (including 7 affordable dwellings) and associated infrastructure including street layout, public open space and drainage. The Committee was advised of a further representation which had been received from Ms S Nicholls (one of the speakers) which comprised of a photograph and plan copies of which were provided to members.
As a point of clarification the Development and Land Charges Manager advised that a new link road was being provided by the developer on the adjacent Woodhall Homes site. The applicant’s commitment to contribute £200,000 to a link road could be used to explore options for a link road to be formed through the site in circumstances where this development did not come forward. If the link road through the adjacent site was to come forward the money would need to be returned to the developer, as it would no longer meet CIL regulation tests.
It was confirmed that any proposed increases to the numbers of affordable properties above 10% was subject to negotiation with developers but could make developments unviable. This application had to be considered on the Development Plan which currently had a 10% affordable properties criteria and any ambitions to increase this to 15% would need to be explored as part of any review.
In response to Councillor Wood’s comments that this was an ancient habitat which should be retained, the Development and Land Charges Manager confirmed that the application had been submitted before the biodiversity requirements became law. There would be some loss but there would also be some onsite enhancements and net gains elsewhere.
Ms S Nicholls attended the meeting and spoke against the application.
Mr G Morris attended the meeting and spoke against the application.
Ms C Stainton (agent) attended the meeting and spoke in support of the application.
Ms Stainton provided the following responses to members’ questions:
Moved by Councillor Duncan McGregor and seconded by Councillor Phil Smith and following a vote
For the motion: 6
Against the motion: 1
It was therefore RESOLVED that application be approved subject to the following conditions and prior entry into a Section 106 Agreement, with delegated authority being granted to officers to grant the final decision on completion of a ... view the full minutes text for item 133