Additional documents:
The Principal Planning Policy Officer presented the report to the Committee.
The Council’s Annual Position Statement on the Five-Year Housing Land Supply for the period 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2029 was approved by the Planning Committee at the meeting of 27th November 2024.
The local housing need identified by the UK National Government for the District had been approximately 200 new homes a year. The Local Plan had set out 272 new homes a year.
The Council could show 8.35 years of deliverable housing land supply for the period 2024/25 to 2028/29.
Following the UK National Government’s consultation in 2024, the figure had been revised to 353 new homes a year without the 5% buffer. With the buffer, this figure would be 371 new homes a year.
This would see a deliverable housing land supply of 6.12 years for the period 2024/25 to 2028/29 (based on the housing monitoring figures at 1st April 2024).
A Member thanked the Planning team for their work – the Council was still in a good position when compared to other local authorities both regionally and nationally. The Chair echoed this sentiment.
The Senior Devolution Lead for Planning Policy, Strategic Growth and Housing agreed and thanked the Members of the Committee in return – the Council was in a strong position in comparison with other local authorities primarily because of the capability of Members of the Committee.
Moved by Councillor Tom Munro and seconded by Councillor John Ritchie
RESOLVED that the Committee: 1) Notes the detailed issues set out in the report;
2) Re-approves the assessment of the Council’s Annual Position Statement of Five-Year Housing Land Supply (January 2025) as set out at Appendix A;
3) Re-authorises the publication of the Report and Annual Position Statement of Five-Year Housing Land Supply (Appendix A) and List of Major Development Sites and their contribution to the Council’s Five-Year Housing Land Supply (Appendix B) on the Council’s website; and,
4) Gives delegated authority to the Assistant Director of Planning and Planning Policy in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of Planning Committee to make any minor changes to the text or information referred to in recommendation 3) prior to publication.