Issue - meetings

Pre-Consultation Draft Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Derbyshire

Meeting: 22/01/2025 - Planning Committee (Item 140)

140 Pre-Consultation Draft Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Derbyshire pdf icon PDF 276 KB

Additional documents:


The Senior Devolution Lead for Planning Policy, Strategic Growth and Housing presented the report to the Committee.


Derbyshire County Council was the responsible authority for the preparation of the Local Nature Recovery Strategy (the ‘Strategy) for Derbyshire.


The Strategy covered the District and would become a statutory plan FOR THE Council to consider (within its planning function and wider decision-making).


The initial consultation exercise events held during September 2024 were attached at Appendix A.


In accordance with the Environment (Local Nature Recovery Strategies) (Procedure) Regulations 2023, Derbyshire County Council had to provide the  Council, as a ‘Supporting Authority’, with the proposed consultation draft of the Strategy in advance of formal publication and request their comments.


The proposed consultation draft, received on 6th January 2025, was attached at Appendix B


The Council could raise an objection with the responsible authority about:

·       the local nature recovery strategy; or,

·       the responsible authority’s preparation of the local nature recovery strategy, including the extent to which the responsible authority has involved the supporting authority in that preparation.


The consultation draft of the Strategy was structured in four written sections and accompanied by a mapping GIS website – the District lay primarily on a southern Magnesium Limestone plateau.


A number of habitats lay within the District, including woodlands and green corridors.  The Strategy identified that the Character Area of the District was likely to see pressure for new development, and thus may see benefits from Biodiversity Net Gain delivering investment in local nature recovery.


Existing environmental assets could be protected and expanded.


The report detailed the nine priority areas of the Strategy, with the most relevant for the District being: Woodlands and Trees; Grassland; Rivers, river corridors and other watercourses; Farmland; Urban environment and infrastructure; and People and wildlife.


It was noted that when new developments in a future plan were being developed, the Council would be able to deliver Biodiversity Net Gains (BNG).


To a question on BNG, the Senior Devolution Lead for Planning Policy, Strategic Growth and Housing explained new sites had to be registered first before they could be utilised, but they could generate significant income for the Council.


The Chair welcomed the update – some Wards would benefit financially and environmentally from the Strategy for BNG development.


A Member noted the site with most opportunity would Pleasley Vale (water credits were worth more).


Moved by Councillor Phil Smith and seconded by Councillor Jeanne Raspin

RESOLVED that the Committee: 1) Notes the update on the preparation of the           Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Derbyshire set out in the report; and,


2)    Agrees to raise no objection with Derbyshire County Council about:


a)    the proposed consultation draft Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Derbyshire; or


b)    their preparation of the proposed consultation draft Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Derbyshire, including the extent to which the responsible authority has involved the supporting authority in that preparation.