Issue - meetings

Housing Key Performance Indicators

Meeting: 20/01/2025 - Housing Liaison Board (Item 6)

6 Housing Key Performance Indicators pdf icon PDF 152 KB

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The Housing Strategy and Development Officer presented the report to the Board.


The Council’s Housing Management team was producing a significant amount of performance related information, whether this be the Complaints information, the Tenant Satisfaction Measures or the Councils own Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).


The Housing Service had developed a number of KPIs that showed how contributions were being made to the Council’s Ambitions.  A summary of current performance was attached at Appendix 1.


Only one KPI was slightly off target (“Current tenants arrears as a % of rent due in the financial year”).


The Council’s Housing Management team was producing a significant amount of performance related information. 


At the Board’s previous meeting, Tenants had agreed to a minimum set of indicators that they would like to see included as part of a quarterly report to the Council’s tenants.  A draft had been produced for Members to consider.  The Council envisaged this would be a one sided poster and be put up in all contact centres and on the Council’s website.


It was envisaged the poster would also be produced quarterly.


The Board discussed what options would be most suitable for the poster, including:


·       Simplified language;

·       The retention of the use of percentages;

·       The use of arrows to help define trends;

·       The amount of rent collected and in arrears; and,

·       The use of colour (which matched the Tenant Engagement Strategy).


RESOLVED that: 1) the performance documented in the attached report is reviewed and acknowledged; and,


2)    the Board review the draft quarterly performance poster to be used in the Contact Centres/on the website, and agree the final version.