Issue - meetings

The Gas and Heating Compliance Policy

Meeting: 03/02/2025 - Customer Services Scrutiny Committee (Item 46)

46 The Gas and Heating Compliance Policy pdf icon PDF 467 KB

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The Assistant Director of Housing Management & Enforcement presented the report to the Committee.


As explained in the previous item, the Safety and Quality Standard required landlords to provide good quality homes and landlord services to tenants.


The produced Gas and Heating Compliance Policy 2025-2028 (the ‘Policy’) was attached at Appendix 1.


While not necessary, the Policy would also include other heating systems like air source heat pumps and solid fuel boilers.


The Council, via Dragonfly Management (Bolsover) Ltd., would undertake duties including:


·       Carrying out an annual gas safety check to all properties with a gas supply, irrespective of whether the gas was connected or not;

·       Ensuring that copies of all landlord’s gas safety records (LGSRs) / certificates were provided to residents or displayed in a common area within 28 days of completion; and,

·       Capping off gas supplies to all properties when the property become void.  This would be completed by the end of the next working day.


The Policy went into further detail on how the Council would meet the legal obligations (e.g., qualified electricians and contractors would carry out five yearly electrical installation inspections and tests to all Council owned properties).


The Policy also set out how the Council would monitor and report on the performance of the legal requirements as exampled above, including an escalation process for when there was noncompliance (to ensure the safety of residents).


The Council reported on the compliance of all the above areas as part of the annual Tenant Satisfaction Measures.  Quarterly updates were provided to the Housing Liaison Board and Housing Stock Management Group.


To a question on the checks being carried out every 12 months, the Assistant Director of Housing Management & Enforcement explained the Council would always attempt to organise and carry out checks with 2 months spare (to enable enforcement measures if required).  This tended to result in the Council carrying out these checks at around the 11 month mark.


To a question on the noncompliance of tenants, the Assistant Director of Housing Management & Enforcement informed that for 2023/24, the Council had achieved 99.1% compliance.  When inspections had not been carried out within 12 months, the Council had to show the regulator what it intended to do to correct this (this was why checks were now organised with 2 months spare).


For the tenants where injunctions had to be repeatedly utilised every year, instead of seeking injunctions every time, the Council would seek an injunction to allow access for this reason for a longer period to prevent repeated applications and costs.  Any tenant who failed to allow access after an injunction would be found in contempt of court.


The Assistant Director of Housing Management & Enforcement was optimistic that for 2024/25, the Council would achieve 100% compliance.


Moved by Councillor Vicky Wapplington and seconded by Councillor Phil Smith

RESOVED that Members review the attached Gas and Heating Compliance Policy and provide comments for consideration as part of the development of the Policy in advance of formal Executive approval and implementation.


Approved  ...  view the full minutes text for item 46