5. Medium Term Financial Plan PDF 287 KB
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RESOLVED that 1) all recommendations below be referred to the meeting of Council on 29th January 2025;
2) that in the view of the Section 151 Officer, that the estimates included inthe Medium-Term Financial Plan 2024/25 to 2028/29, were robust and thatthe level of financial reserves whilst at minimum levels were adequate, be accepted,
3) officers report back to Executive and to the Finance and CorporateOverview Scrutiny Committee on a quarterly basis regarding the overallposition in respect of the Council’s budgets,
4) a Council Tax increase of £6.07 be levied in respect of a notional Band Dproperty (2.99%),
5) the Medium-Term Financial Plan in respect of the General Fund as set outin Appendix 1 of the report be approved as the Revised Budget 2024/25,as the Original Budget in respect of 2025/26, and the financial projection inrespect of 2026/27 to 2028/29,
6) any further under spend in respect of 2024/25 be transferred to theCouncil’s General Fund Reserves,
7) on the basis that income from Planning Fees may exceed £0.500m in2024/25, the Head of Paid Service, in consultation with the Leader, begranted delegated powers to authorise such additional resources as werenecessary to effectively manage the resultant increase in workload.
8) Council increases its rent levels by 2.7% to apply from 1st April 2025,
9) the increases in respect of other charges as outlined in Appendix 4Table 1 of the report be implemented with effect from 1st April 2025,
10) the Medium-Term Financial Plan in respect of the Housing RevenueAccount as set out in Appendix 3 and 4 of the report be approved as theRevised Budget in respect of 2024/25, as the Original Budget in respect of2025/26, and the financial projection in respect of 2026/27 to 2028/29,
11) under spends in respect of 2024/25 to 2028/29 be transferred to theHRA Revenue Reserve.
12) the Capital Programme as set out in Appendix 5to the report be approved as the Revised Budget in respect of 2024/25, and as the Approved Programmefor 2025/26 to 2028/29.