Update from Scrutiny Chairs
598 Update from Scrutiny Chairs
Healthy Safe Clean and Green Scrutiny Committee
The Chair of Healthy Safe Clean and Green Scrutiny Committee reported that the Committee was currently preparing for their annual review of the Community Safety Partnership. This was a statutory function of the Committee. If any Member was aware of any particular issues regarding community safety they feel should be addressed, they could speak to the Chair in advance of the meeting on 6th March 2020.
The Committee was also looking forward to assisting in shaping the new performance framework which would sit under the Leaders Ambition for the Council.
At the last meeting, Committee received the final monitoring report from the previous Review of Environment Enforcement. Due to the current service review being undertaken in Environmental Health, the presentation to all Members at Council had now been delayed until the summer.
Customer Service and Transformation Scrutiny Committee
The Chair of Customer Service and Transformation Scrutiny Committee reported that both Reviews being undertaken by the Committee were progressing well with the Review on Re-letting of Council Properties being at final report stage. The Committee was also looking forward to assisting in shaping the new performance framework which would sit under the Leaders Ambition for the Council.
Post Scrutiny monitoring of 2 previous reviews was currently due – these were the Operational Review of Standards Committee and the Review of Environmental Health and Licensing.
Growth Scrutiny Committee
The Chair of Growth Scrutiny Committee reported that the Committee’s Review of Current and Future External Funding was at final report stage and outline recommendations had been made.
An extraordinary meeting of the Committee had been held on 22nd January to complete additional work in relation to the Review of the Private Rented Sector. This was an additional mini review for the Committee and a range of actions would be put forward with the help of the new Assistant Director of Development.
The Committee was also looking forward to assisting in shaping the new performance framework which would sit under the Leaders Ambition for the Council.
Moved by Councillor Ray Heffer and seconded by Councillor Tom Munro
RESOLVED that the updates be noted.
The meeting concluded at 1042 hours.