Issue - meetings

Budget Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2019/20

Meeting: 26/11/2020 - Budget Scrutiny Committee (Item 17)

17 Budget Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 163 KB

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N.B. At this point the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Resources and the Section 151 Officer left the meeting.


Committee considered their Work Programme for 2020/21.


The Scrutiny & Elections Officer explained that the next meeting scheduled for 27th January 2021 would consider revisions to the Medium Term Financial Plan, the strategies for Treasury Management/Capital/Corporate Investment, and a Treasury Management briefing from Arlingclose.


Members had no questions relating to the Work Programme.


It was moved by Councillor Tom Munro and seconded by Councillor Chris Kane to note the report for the Work Programme 202/21.


RESOLVED that the Budget Scrutiny Committee notes the report for the Work Programme 2020/21.

(Scrutiny & Elections Officer)