Issue - meetings

Update from Scrutiny Chairs.

Meeting: 30/07/2020 - Budget Scrutiny Committee (Item 9)

9 Update from Scrutiny Chairs


Customer Service & Transformation Scrutiny Committee:


The Chair of Customer Service & Transformation Scrutiny Committee reported that since the pandemic started, the Committee had held one informal virtual meeting and would hold a formal virtual meeting on 3rd August 2020.


Both ongoing reviews of the Committee were nearing completion, which were:


1) Re-letting Council properties

2) New Bolsover New Beginnings


Post-Scrutiny monitoring reviews of two past reviews were also nearing completion, which were:


1) Operational review of Standards Committee

2) Delivery of Environmental Health and Licensing


Healthy Safe Clean & Green Communities Scrutiny Committee:


The Chair of Healthy Safe Clean & Green Communities Scrutiny Committee reported that since the pandemic started, the Committee had held one informal virtual meeting and would hold a formal virtual meeting on 8th September 2020.


In March 2020, the Committee completed its annual review of the Bolsover Community Safety Partnership. Areas noted for improvement were:


1) Engagement of the probation service by Derbyshire CCG

2) Workloads for domestic violence were increasing in volume


The review for children in care and care leavers was still in progress but had been delayed by the pandemic.


Members were also encouraged to read the report from Environmental Health that went to Executive in June, which gave a detailed update on activity for the service.


Growth Scrutiny Committee:


The Chair of Growth Scrutiny Committee reported that since the pandemic started, the Committee had held two formal virtual meetings and would hold another on 9th September 2020.


One of the formal meetings already held considered a call-in submitted regarding a Delegated Decision to sell a piece of land in Glapwell. The Committee resolved at the end of the meeting that due to concerns with the decision-making process, the decision should be put back for further review and reconsideration.  The Committee were awaiting the outcome of this process.


The review from 2019/20 (Current and Future External Funding) was at the final report stage, and another small review of the private rented sector would begin soon.


At recent meetings, Members had considered initial proposals for the new Housing Strategy and Empty Property Strategy and also received an update from Economic Development officers in relation to the impact of COVID-19 and the Council’s Recovery Plan.


RESOLVED that the updates be noted.