Issue - meetings


Meeting: 26/04/2022 - Customer Services Scrutiny Committee (Item 55)

Declarations of interest

Members should declare the existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and Non Statutory Interest as defined by the Members’ Code of Conduct in respect of:


a)  any business on the agenda

b)  any urgent additional items to be considered

c)  any matters arising out of those items and if appropriate, withdraw from the meeting at the relevant time.



 There were no declarations of interest made.


Meeting: 08/03/2021 - Customer Service & Transformation Scrutiny Committee (Item 3.)

Declarations of interest

Members should declare the existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and Non Statutory Interest as defined by the Members’ Code of Conduct in respect of:


a)  any business on the agenda

b)  any urgent additional items to be considered

c)  any matters arising out of those items and if appropriate, withdraw from the meeting at the relevant time.