73 Ambition Performance Framework Update - (Q2 - 2020/21) PDF 420 KB
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RESOLVED – That progress and outturns against the Council Ambition 2020-2024 targets be noted.
Executive considered the report of the Portfolio Holder – Corporate Governance which reported on the outturns for Quarter 2 of 2020/21 for the Council Ambition 2020/2024 targets.
Out of the 31 targets, 25 were on track (80%), 3 had been affected by Covid-19 (10%), 2 had been achieved (6%) and 1 was awaiting an update (3%). Details were provided in the Appendix to the report for those targets that had been affected by Covid-19 and the one target that could not currently be updated.
In answer to a question about why there was not any specific information in the report regarding the contact centre, it was explained that in the Council Ambition 2020-2024 it was now a council-wide customer satisfaction target.
The Leader commended the efforts being made by the Council’s Contact Centre and all council staff and stated that he had received numerous compliments regarding the efforts that had been made by all members of staff. Council officers had worked to the best of their ability under difficult circumstances in the past year. The Deputy Leader supported this and stated that the compliments that had been received had been very positive.
Moved by Duncan McGregor and seconded by Councillor Sandra Peake
RESOLVED – That progress and outturns against the Council Ambition 2020-2024 targets be noted.
REASON FOR DECISION: This was an information report to keep Members informed of the progress against the Council Ambition targets, noting achievements and any areas of concern.
Not application to this report as it provided an overview of performance against agreed targets.
(Director – Corporate Resources)