763 Proportionality and Changes to Committee Allocations PDF 300 KB
To give consideration to the altered Proportionality and changes to Committee seats for the remainder of the Municipal Year.
Additional documents:
The Leader of the Council (Councillor Steve Fritchley) spoke on the report and proposed to leave the Committee membership allocations as they were, because the new political balance variable did not make an appreciable difference to the Committee memberships and Council might as well wait until the Annual Council in May 2021.
The proposal was seconded by Councillor Deborah Watson.
The Chair asked the Monitoring Officer to clarify if changing the memberships of Committees every time the political balance changed was a legal requirement. The Monitoring Officer advised that the legislation in question stated that Members had to consider changing the memberships but did not have to approve it, with the one condition that no Members vote against maintaining the memberships.
The Chair asked Members to vote on the moved and seconded proposal to maintain the current Committee memberships until Annual Council in May 2021. Members voted unanimously in favour of the proposal.
It was RESOLVED that Council maintains the current Committee memberships until Annual Council in May 2021.
(Governance Manager)