Issue - meetings

Review of Standards Committee-Operational Review - Post-Scrutiny Monitoring Final Report.

Meeting: 12/10/2020 - Customer Service & Transformation Scrutiny Committee (Item 21)

21 Review of Standards Committee-Operational Review - Post-Scrutiny Monitoring Final Report. pdf icon PDF 394 KB

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Committee considered a post scrutiny monitoring report which provided details on progress regarding outstanding recommendations from the Committee’s Review of the Council’s Standards Committee carried out in 2018/2019.


Committee had considered a previous monitoring report at its meeting held on 16th March 2020, which had informed Members that 3 out of the 7 recommendations had been implemented.  Four of the recommendations had required an extension, which had been due to the timing of meetings of the Standards Committee post May 2019 Elections, the review of the Terms of Reference, the development of the new committee management system/current re-development of the Council’s website and the availability within the Parish Council Liaison meeting schedule. 


The 4 outstanding recommendations had been completed outside of the original timescale and evidence in relation to this was attached in the appendices to the report.  However, 1 recommendation still required a further extension and this was due to the availability within the Parish Council Liaison (PCL) meeting schedule and the impact of Covid-19 on the ability for PCL to meet.  It was suggested that Committee be updated on the progress of PCL meetings and associated presentations to Parish Councillors informally. 


The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Community Safety, who was also a Member of the Standards Committee, welcomed the report.  He added that the Standards Committee was currently undertaking arrangements to include 2 independent members from parish councils on the Committee from May 2021.


Moved by Councillor Rose Bowler and seconded by Councillor Ray Heffer

RESOLVED that (1) progress against the review recommendations be noted,


(2) an extension to the outstanding recommendation as outlined in the report be approved,


(3) the findings of the Review be made public, in accordance with Part 4.5.17(3) of the Council’s Constitution.

(Scrutiny & Elections Officer)