Issue - meetings

Adoption of 3 Local Development Orders to support the redevelopment of underutilised sites in the Council's ownership for custom and self-build.

Meeting: 23/11/2020 - Executive (Item 63)

63 Adoption of 3 Local Development Orders to support the redevelopment of underutilised sites in the Council's ownership for custom and self-build.(ab) pdf icon PDF 1 MB




Executive approve the adoption of Local Development Orders to grant planning permission for residential development on the following sites:


·           Springfield Close, Clowne (Appendix 1);

·           Damsbrook Drive North, Clowne (Appendix 2); and

·           Damsbrook Drive South, Clowne (Appendix 3).


SUBJECT to the standard conditions as set out at 6.1 of the report.



Executive considered the report of the Portfolio Holder – Corporate Governance, which sought the adoption of three Local Development Orders (LDOs) to support the redevelopment of underutilised sites in the Council’s ownership for custom and self-build.


It was proposed to adopt LDOs for residential development on the following three sites:

·         Springfield Close, Clowne

·         Damsbrook Drive North, Clowne

·         Damsbrook Drive South, Clowne

These sites had been chosen because they were within the settlement framework where housing was acceptable in principle, had safe and suitable accesses and residential development on these sites was unlikely to have a harmful impact on the character, appearance and amenities of their local areas.


Appendices 1 to 3 to the report provided a detailed planning analysis of each of the sites and included any site-specific conditions and the reasons for those conditions.


Moved by Councillor Duncan McGregor and seconded by Councillor Sandra Peake



Executive approve the adoption of Local Development Orders to grant planning permission for residential development on the following sites:


·           Springfield Close, Clowne (Appendix 1);

·           Damsbrook Drive North, Clowne (Appendix 2); and

·           Damsbrook Drive South, Clowne (Appendix 3).


SUBJECT to the following standard conditions:


1.    Prior approval of: external appearance, landscaping, layout and scale must be obtained from the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of any development

2.    The design of the proposed development of the dwelling house/s must be in accordance with the design principles set out in the Successful Places Design Guide

3.    Any new build dwelling granted prior approval under this order must be built in accordance with the approved plans

4.    Any new build dwelling granted prior approval under this this order must meet the statutory definition of custom and/or self-build housing as defined in the Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015 (as amended by the Housing and Planning Act 2016)

5.    Each dwelling must be provided with a minimum of two parking spaces and any designated parking spaces, manoeuvring areas for vehicles off the public highway and access to the public highway shall be maintained free of any obstruction throughout the lifetime of any new house granted prior approval under the Order; and

6.    The site specific conditions set out in the detailed planning analysis of each site set out in appendices 1-3 to this report.


The reasons for the adoption of the Local Development Orders are:

i.              To allow the Council to obtain best value for underutilised pieces of land whilst improving the environment quality of the District

ii.            To attract private investment in this land through a simplified and less costly planning process which provides a guarantee the land can be developed to address the Council’s duties under the Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015; and

iii.           To ensure a consistent high quality of design was achieved that provided a long-lasting legacy that would benefit the local community, improve the character and appearance of the local area and add variation to the existing housing stock.


Alternative options would  ...  view the full minutes text for item 63