Issue - meetings

List of Key Decisions and Items to be Considered in Private Document

Meeting: 15/12/2020 - Healthy Safe Clean & Green Communities Scrutiny Committee (Item 21)

21 List of Key Decisions and Items to be Considered in Private Document pdf icon PDF 35 KB

(Members should contact the officer whose name appears on the List of Key Decisions for any further information.  NB: If Members wish to discuss an exempt report under this item, the meeting will need to move into exempt business and exclude the public in accordance with the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 and Local Government Act 1972, Part 1, Schedule 12a for that part of the meeting only).



Committee considered the List of Key Decisions and Items to be considered in private document.


Moved by Councillor Anne Clarke and seconded by Councillor Tom Munro

RESOLVED that the List of Key Decisions and items to be considered in private document be noted.