Issue - meetings

Council Ambitions Performance Update - July 2020 to September 2020 (Q2 - 2020/21)

Meeting: 16/12/2020 - Growth Scrutiny Committee (Item 39)

39 Council Ambitions Performance Update - July 2020 to September 2020 (Q2 - 2020/21) pdf icon PDF 281 KB

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The Information, Engagement and Performance Manager presented the Council Ambitions Performance Update July 2020 to September 2020 (Q2 - 2020/21) report to Members. The purpose of the report was to report the quarter 2 outturns for the targets supporting the Council’s Ambition 2020-2024 and relevant supporting service indicators.


Councillor Tom Munro referred to performance indicators presented to Healthy Safe Clean & Green Communities Scrutiny Committee on 15th December 2020 being colour coded to highlight indicators affected by COVID-19, and requested that the same be done for future performance reports to Growth Scrutiny Committee. The Information, Engagement and Performance Manager agreed that future performance reports to all Scrutiny Committees would include COVID-19 impact colour coding.


Councillor Tom Munro referred to target ECO.07 (Deliver 150 new homes through the Bolsover Homes Programme by March 2024) and reported that all of the housing contracts apart from Sandy Lane and Thorpe Avenue were now underway. He also referred to target ENV.08 (Bring 5 empty properties back into use per year through assistance and enforcement measures) and reported that five new flats in the old Co-op building in Whitwell were now ready to be inhabited and more information about them would appear on Bolsover TV.


Councillor Derek Adams referred to the half-yearly indicator relating to the financial performance of The Tangent Business Hub (Financial performance for the Tangent in line or exceeding budget forecast) and asked why there was such a large difference between the 2020/21 target (£66,687) and the half-year outturn (£7,447). The Information, Engagement and Performance Manager explained that the Hub had empty units which had partly been caused by COVID-19 because of the financial difficulties the pandemic had caused businesses. She added that the Hired and Contract Services contract in place for the Hub was for a full year, so the indicator showed a year of cost against a half-yearly outturn. Councillor Derek Adams requested that he would like to see a financial breakdown of precisely how much COVID-19 had cost the Council (and led to missed invoices) in terms of The Tangent, and the Information, Engagement and Performance Manager stated that she would investigate this and provide a breakdown after the meeting.


Councillor David Dixon raised the aforementioned indicator ENV.08 (Bring 5 empty properties back into use per year through assistance and enforcement measures) and referred to the paragraph which stated “a meeting has been arranged at the end of October to discuss introducing the Council Tax Premium”. He asked if this meeting had now taken place. The Information, Engagement and Performance Manager stated that she would confirm whether or not the meeting had taken place and contact Councillor David Dixon after the meeting.


It was moved by Councillor Jen Wilson and seconded by Councillor Tom Munro to note the outturn targets and relevant indicators.


RESOLVED that the Committee notes the outturns against the Council’s Ambition 2020-2024 targets and relevant service indicators.


(Information, Engagement and Performance Manager)