Issue - meetings

Quarter 3 Performance Update

Meeting: 22/02/2021 - Executive (Item 81)

81 Council Targets to Deliver the Ambition 2020-2024 Performance Update - October to December 2020 pdf icon PDF 423 KB

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RESOLVED – That progress and outturns against the Council Ambition 2020-2024 targets be noted.


Executive considered the report of the Portfolio Holder – Corporate Governance which reported on the quarter 3 outturns for the Council Ambition 2020-2024 targets.


Out of the 31 targets, 23 (74%) were on track, 4 (13%) had been affected by Covid-19, 2 (6%) had been achieved and 2 (6%) were overdue.


Details of each target and the related performance, together with actions taken to address any delays, were appended to the report.


Moved by Councillor Duncan McGregor and seconded by Councillor Liz Smyth

RESOLVED – That progress and outturns against the Council Ambition 2020-2024 targets be noted.



This was an information report to keep Members informed of progress against the Council Ambition targets, noting achievements and any areas of concern.



Not application to this report as it provided an overview of performance against agreed targets.


(Director of Corporate Resources)