776 Calendar of Meetings 2021 - 2022 PDF 352 KB
Report of the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Governance to consider a proposed Calendar of meetings for the 2021/22 Municipal Year.
Additional documents:
The Chair presented a report to Members proposing the Calendar of Meetings for 2021-2022. He noted that the draft Calendar had been circulated to all Members as part of a supplementary agenda.
The Chair asked why some dates in the Calendar included Member Development Sessions for the morning and afternoon on the same days. The Governance Manager explained that those days included Member Development induction refresher sessions as part of the mid-term induction programme, so Members would have the option on those days to attend either the morning or afternoon session.
The recommendations in the report to approve the Calendar of Meetings 2021/22 and delegate authority to the Governance Manager to amend the Calendar of Meetings was moved by Councillor Duncan McGregor and seconded by Councillor Ray Heffer.
(i) The 2021/22 calendar of meetings, attached at Appendix 1, be approved and the points outlined in paragraph 2.4 and 2.5 be noted; and
(ii) Delegated authority be granted to the Governance Manager following consultation the Chairmen of the relevant Committee(s)/Working Group(s) to amend the Calendar of Meetings 2021/22 as and when required in accordance with the regulations of the Coronavirus Act 20 or any subsequent legislation that is applicable.
(Monitoring Officer/Governance Manager)