786 Questions from the Public PDF 94 KB
In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 8, to allow members of the public to ask questions about the Council’s activities for a period of up to fifteen minutes. A question may only be asked if notice of seven clear working days has been given.
Question submitted by Tony Trafford to the Deputy Leader Councillor Duncan McGregor
Question submitted by Sarah Bister to the Deputy Leader Councillor Duncan McGregor.
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Question submitted by Tony Trafford to the Deputy Leader, Councillor Duncan McGregor;
In a recent planning committee meeting dated 10th March 2021, Cllr McGregor said, “Trees – this Council is on record that it is wanting to plant trees everywhere”, regarding trees on an applicant’s site that was being considered for development. Is the Council committed to the preservation and planting of healthy trees throughout the District?
Response from Councillor McGregor
“Thank you Tony for your question. The Council’s Local Plan Policy SC10 states - In order to help retain local distinctiveness, trees, woodland and hedgerows will be protected from damage and retained unless it can be demonstrated that removal is necessary and appropriate mitigation can be achieved”.
“We take this commitment seriously and apply this policy rigorously to all development proposals that are likely to affect trees, woodland and hedgerows anywhere in the District. The Council has also just secured funding from the Woodland Trust to promote a new community woodland project and help the Council reach its ambition in planting 1 million new trees across the District. Therefore, there should be no doubt the Council is committed to the preservation and planting of healthy trees throughout the District. The Council cares about trees and exciting work with the Woodland Trust on developing a series of community woodlands in the District, demonstrates this. We have recently secured at £270k cash boost from the Woodland Trust to be awarded this, part due to our enthusiasm for and commitment to caring for trees. This funding will see in the region of 27.5k trees being planted on land south of Creswell, on a former colliery site; land that can provide a flagship environmental resource for the village with a community woodland at its heart with work starting later this year. The Council also intends to see at least 1 tree planting project in each parish of the District and discussions are ongoing with the parishes to achieve this over the coming years”.
“You may have seen this particular press release Tony, that was sent out which demonstrates the point I have just made”.
Supplementary Question from Tony Trafford
“I very much welcome the statement that Councillor McGregor has made about planting trees and also the reference to preservation of trees. In the light of that, I wanted to ask whether the Council would support Glapwell Parish Council’s bid, to maintain the asset of community value, which is Park Avenue Wood and help preserve the 13 mature and magnificent beech trees there and the wildlife that they in turn support? This is an important community asset”.
Response from Councillor McGregor
“Yes, I am aware of that planning application referred to. That planning application, I’ll remind you, has been approved for development but I draw your attention back to that I already mentioned, unless it can be demonstrated that removal is necessary and appropriate mitigation can be achieved. Regarding any planning application where trees are involved, the Planning Committee takes into account the trees ... view the full minutes text for item 786