Additional documents:
RESOLVED that the following recommendations be referred to Council:
1) the Growth Strategy and associated Action Plan be adopted by the Council
2) officers be granted delegated authority to amend the final appearance and layout of the Growth Strategy in liaison with the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development prior to publication
3) officers be authorised to make amendments to the Strategy and Action Plan in liaison with the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development as appropriate or required.
Executive considered the report of Portfolio Holder – Economic Development which recommended adoption of the draft Growth Strategy and accompanying Action Plan.
The draft Growth Strategy was attached to the report at Appendix 1 and the Action Plan at Appendix 2. The Strategy had been presented as a working draft as many of the actions were currently ongoing and the Strategy and Action Plan had to be flexible to allow the Council to take emerging opportunities and to adapt to new challenges promptly.
Executive discussed the draft strategy and noted the importance of the strategy being flexible to meet challenges and to take up opportunities.
Moved by Councillor Liz Smyth and seconded by Councillor Duncan McGregor
RESOLVED that the following recommendations be referred to Council:
1) the Growth Strategy and associated Action Plan be adopted by the Council
2) officers be granted delegated authority to amend the final appearance and layout of the Growth Strategy in liaison with the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development prior to publication
3) officers be authorised to make amendments to the Strategy and Action Plan in liaison with the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development as appropriate or required.
(Director of Development)