97 Adoption of the Holy Trinity Churchyard Shirebrook PDF 299 KB
1) the statutory obligation be undertaken and maintenance of the Holy Trinity Churchyard, Shirebrook commence
2) cost of undertaking maintenance be contained within existing budgets and where necessary reviewed during the revised budget process
3) engineering one-off works (£17,000) not containable within Engineering Team budgets be subject to a future capital budget bid (2021/22) or undertaken by way of current capital budget where flexibility affords.
Executive considered the report of Portfolio Holder – Environmental Health and Licensing which advised of the closure and subsequent adoption of the Holy Trinity Churchyard, Shirebrook for future ongoing maintenance at the Council’s expense.
Shirebrook Town Council had applied to the District Council requesting adoption in maintenance responsibility for the Holy Trinity Churchyard, Shirebrook following the Parochial Church Council informing them that the burial ground had been closed by the Home Office. The churchyard had previously been tended to on a voluntary basis by local parishioners and required remedial works to raise it to a maintainable standard.
The Council was duty bound to adopt and maintain the churchyard. Maintenance would include grass cutting, tree and hedge pruning, upkeep of walls, paths, boundaries and inspections of monumental masonry to ensure the place was safe to visitors.
Moved by Councillor Deborah Watson and seconded by Councillor Duncan McGregor
1) the statutory obligation be undertaken and maintenance of the Holy Trinity Churchyard, Shirebrook commence
2) cost of undertaking maintenance be contained within existing budgets and where necessary reviewed during the revised budget process
3) engineering one-off works (£17,000) not containable within Engineering Team budgets be subject to a future capital budget bid (2021/22) or undertaken by way of current capital budget where flexibility afford.
(Director of Environment and Enforcement)