Issue - meetings

Independent Living Scheme contract extension

Meeting: 26/04/2021 - Executive (Item 111)

111 Independent Living Service pdf icon PDF 431 KB




1)            the Council accept the offer of a 5 month contract extension to continue to provide an Independent Living Service to older people within the District


2)            officers prepare for future tender opportunities to provide similar services within the District.


(Director of Environment and Enforcement)


Executive considered a report of Portfolio Holder – Housing which set out an offer of an extension of contract from Derbyshire County Council to provide an Independent Living Services (known as the Care Line Service) to older people, and recommended that this offer should be accepted.


The report set out that the current contract was due to expire in October 2021 however, Derbyshire County Council had offered the Council a contract extension, for an additional five months, until March 2022.


Moved by Councillor Steve Fritchley and seconded by Councillor Duncan McGregor



1)            the Council accept the offer of a 5 month contract extension to continue to provide an Independent Living Service to older people within the District


2)            officers prepare for future tender opportunities to provide similar services within the District.


(Director of Environment and Enforcement)