Issue - meetings

Growth Strategy

Meeting: 14/04/2021 - Council (Item 790)

790 Growth Strategy pdf icon PDF 310 KB

Report of the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development


Additional documents:


Members’ approval was sought for the Council to adopt a Growth Strategy and associated Action Plan.


The Growth Strategy and Action Plan were ‘working draft’ documents due to many of the actions being current.  It needed to be flexible to allow the Council to take emerging opportunities and to adapt to new challenges promptly.  It would support enterprise, innovation, jobs and skills and make the best use of the Council’s assets whilst supporting clean and inclusive economic growth.  The Strategy had also been considered by the Council’s Growth Scrutiny Committee.


Adoption of the Growth Strategy would help to achieve the Council’s ambitions and priorities, and various activities in the accompanying Action Plan would continue to generate additional income for the Council over time.    In this respect, the Growth Strategy was designed to help the Council move towards self-sufficiency so it could continue to deliver services to people who lived and worked in the District.


Members’ approval was also sought for officers, in liaison with the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, to make changes to the Growth Strategy and Action Plan as required and to complete the final design and layout of the Strategy document prior to publication.


Councillor Liz Smyth, Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, drew Members’ attention to a slight error in the document which stated that the former station in Selston had been converted into a restaurant – this was incorrect as the restaurant and pub had always been there but there was no station.


Moved by Councillor Liz Smyth and seconded by Councillor Chris Kane

RESOLVED that (1) the Growth Strategy and associated Action Plan be adopted,


(2) delegated authority be granted to officers to amend the final appearance and layout of the Growth Strategy, in liaison with the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, prior to publication,


(3) delegated authority be granted to officers to make amendments to the Strategy and Action Plan, in liaison with the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, as appropriate or when required.


(Assistant Director of Development)