Issue - meetings

Corporate Debt Position 2020-21

Meeting: 19/07/2021 - Executive (Item 18)

18 Corporate Debt 2020-21 pdf icon PDF 606 KB


RESOLVED that the report concerning the Council’s Corporate Debt as at 31 March 2021 be noted.


Executive considered the report of the Portfolio Holder – Finance which presented a summary of the corporate debt position as at 31 March 2021.


The corporate debt position was broken down into Business Rates (NNDR), Council Tax, Housing Rents, Overpaid Housing Benefits and Sundry Debtors.


Arrears had increased in 2020/21 for NNDR, Council Tax and Housing Rents.  The Coronavirus Pandemic was a part of the reason for this, although less so for NNDR as the amount of Government reliefs provided meant some businesses had little or no liability to pay for 2020/21.


Overall in 2020/21 £0.784m (net) more in income had been raised on the Council systems.  The Council’s arrears had increased by £1.4m but if just NNDR, Council Tax and Housing Rents were included the increase was £1.7m.  The bad debt provision had been increased by £1.5m.


RESOLVED that the report concerning the Council’s Corporate Debt as at 31 March 2021 be noted.


(Head of Finance and Resources)



To ensure that Executive were informed of the latest position concerning the Council’s debt.



The report was for information only.