Issue - meetings

Bolsover Homes Scheme at West Street, Langwith

Meeting: 06/12/2021 - Executive (Item 69)

69 Bolsover Homes Scheme, West Street, Whaley Thorns

Additional documents:




1)    an expenditure budget as outlined within the report to deliver the West Street social housing building scheme be approved,


2)    the Council to enter into contract for the development of a further 5 properties in Whaley Thorns as outlined in the report be approved.



Executive’s approval was sought to enter into a contract to deliver the West Street, Whaley Thorns, scheme through the existing Bolsover Homes framework.


Moved by Councillor Sandra Peake and seconded by Councillor Duncan McGregor

RESOLVED that 1) an expenditure budget as outlined within the report to deliver the West Street social housing building scheme be approved,


2)    the Council to enter into contract for the development of a further 5 properties in Whaley Thorns as outlined in the report be approved.



To deliver the Council’s aspirational target of building a minimum of 150 new Council properties by March 2024.




Executive could choose not to support the development but this would not help to achieve the Councils agreed ambition of building 150 social housing properties.

This would not help to meet the current demand for social housing in Whaley Thorns