Issue - meetings

Ambition Targets Performance Update – July to September 2021

Meeting: 06/12/2021 - Executive (Item 66)

66 Ambition Targets Performance Update – July to September 2021 (Q2 - 2021/22) pdf icon PDF 447 KB

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RESOLVEDthat the quarterly outturns against the Council Ambition 2020-2024 targets be noted.



Executive considered a report in relation to the Council’s Quarter 2 outturns for the Council’s Ambition targets 2020-2024.


Out of the 31 targets;


           20 (65%) were on track

           1 (3%) continued to be affected by Covid 19

           3 (10%) had been placed on alert (as unlikely to meet their outturns in 21/22)

           1 (3%) was achieved (partially) in quarter 2, and

           6 (19%) were achieved previously


The Improvement & Engagement Officer noted that the majority of targets were all on track and that all Members were aware of the targets which were on alert.


Moved by Councillor Duncan McGregor and seconded by Councillor Clive Moesby

RESOLVED that the quarterly outturns against the Council Ambition 2020-2024 targets be noted.



Out of the 31 Council plan targets, 20 were on track (65%), 1 had been affected by Covid 19 (3%), 3 were on alert (10%), 1 was partially achieved in quarter 2 (3%) and 6 had been achieved previously (16%),


This was an information report to keep Members informed of progress against the Council’s Ambition targets noting achievements and any areas of concern



Not applicable as the report provided an overview of performance against agreed targets.