67 Single Equality Scheme 2019-2023 Review Year 2 PDF 294 KB
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RESOLVED that the progress made and achievements under the second year review of the Single Equality Scheme 2019-2023 be noted.
Executive considered a report in relation to the second year review of the Single Equality Scheme 2019-2023 and to note the achievements.
The Single Equality Scheme 2019-2023 provided a framework for implementing the Councils’ obligations with regard to the general and specific equality duties, and encompassed the range of protected characteristics as defined within the Equality Act 2010.
The Scheme set out the Council’s legal responsibilities, four corporate equality objectives with actions and measures, performance monitoring arrangements and responsibilities for equality.
The Improvement & Engagement Officer noted that the scheme was well embedded at the Council and refresher training was provided to staff and Members regarding safeguarding and hidden disabilities.
Moved by Councillor Duncan McGregor and seconded by Councillor Sandra Peake
RESOLVED that the progress made and achievements under the second year review of the Single Equality Scheme 2019-2023 be noted.
This was an information report to keep Executive Members informed of progress against the Single Equality Scheme and to note achievements.
It was a statutory requirement to publish information to demonstrate compliance with the general equality duty.