22 Growth Strategy - Monitoring Update Q2 2021/22 PDF 296 KB
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The Assistant Director of Development and Planning presented a report on the progress against activities set out in the Growth Strategy.
Councillor Derek Adams referred to the mention of Oxcroft House in the Strategy and asked if there had been any interest in renting the building. The Assistant Director of Development and Planning explained that there had been interest, but it had been prevented due to an issue with the condition of the building.
The Assistant Director of Development and Planning went through some of the items in the Action Plan and provided more detail.
He explained that regarding the Coal Authority’s two completed feasibility studies relating to the use of geothermal energy at Creswell and Whitwell Tip, he added that the Council might not be able to use the water from Whitwell Tip for energy because of its salinity and depth below the surface. Derbyshire County Council was waiting for the Coal Authority to sign the Section 106 agreement before they could issue their permission for restoration of the tip.
The Assistant Director of Development and Planning explained that the Business Engagement strategy draft had gone out for consultation. He also explained that leisure officers would need to be consulted on the cycling and walking guides, and planting for Community Woodlands would begin in December.
Councillor David Dixon asked for an update on the Clowne Garden Village development. The Assistant Director of Development and Planning explained that it would be difficult to get an appropriate solution for the Treble Bob roundabout because an appeal about the decision to refuse planning permission for development at Mastin Moor had been received by Chesterfield Borough Council and they had not defended it.
Councillor Duncan McGregor (Deputy Leader) spoke about how people would be relying on the Robin Hood Line with the HS2 line not happening.
A draft Social Value Index table was circulated by Assistant Director of Development and Planning. Members agreed they were satisfied with the draft version.
Noting of the Growth Strategy and Action Plan was moved by Councillor Derek Adams and seconded by Councillor David Dixon.
RESOLVED that the Growth Strategy and Action Plan be noted.