Issue - meetings

Implementation of Internal Audit Recommendations

Meeting: 15/02/2022 - Audit & Corporate Overview Scrutiny Committee (Item 61)

61 Implementation of Internal Audit Recommendations pdf icon PDF 296 KB

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Committee considered a report which provided a summary of internal audit recommendations made and implemented for the financial years 2018/19 - 2021/22 to date. 


Internal Audit made recommendations to improve the governance, risk and control processes in place.  It was important to monitor the implementation of these recommendations to improve the control environment and to reduce the risk of fraud and error


Appendix 1 to the report provided an analysis of the number of recommendations made and implemented for the financial years 2018/19 – 2021/22 to date.  The table also summarised the number of recommendations that had been implemented and those that were outstanding.  No high priority recommendations were outstanding, however, there were 4 medium priority recommendations from 2019/20, and 2 from 2020/21 still outstanding.


Moved by Councillor Graham Parkin and seconded by Councillor Chris Kane

RESOVLED that the report be noted.