Issue - meetings

Audit & Corporate Overview Committee - Self-assessment for effectiveness

Meeting: 15/02/2022 - Audit & Corporate Overview Scrutiny Committee (Item 63)

63 Audit & Corporate Overview Committee - Self-assessment for effectiveness pdf icon PDF 386 KB

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In 2018, CIPFA produced some practical guidance for Local Authorities and Police, which included a self-assessment of good practice.


The self-assessment provided a high-level review that incorporated the key principles set out in CIPFA’s Position Statement and publication. 


Where an audit committee had a high degree of performance against the good practice principles, then it was an indicator that the committee was soundly based and had in place a knowledgeable membership.  These were the essential factors in developing an effective audit committee.


In November 2019, the Committee undertook a self-assessment with an action plan being presented to the January 2020 meeting.  Unfortunately, due to the pandemic the action plan was not followed up.


It was now proposed that the new Audit and Corporate Overview Scrutiny Committee undertake the self-assessment and a new action plan be produced.


TheChair noted that questions 19, 23 to 25 of the self-assessment were important and it should be identified in a brief but precise Action Plan how feedback from Members not on the Committee would be obtained.  He added that an Annual Report of the Committee should be undertaken and presented to Members at Annual Council.


Moved by Councillor Tom Munro and seconded by Councillor Graham Parkin

RESOLVED that (1) the CIPFA guidance for Local Authority Audit Committees be noted,


(2) following the completion of the self-assessment as undertaken at this meeting, an Action Plan be presented to the next meeting of the Committee.


(Head of Finance and Resources/Governance Manager)



Councillor Tom Kirkham left the meeting at this point.