22 Mandatory CCTV in Taxis - Results of Consultation and Final Version PDF 322 KB
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Committee considered a report which set out responses received from a public consultation undertaken in relation to the introduction of a policy to make CCTV mandatory in Hackney Carriages & Private Hire Vehicles. The report also invited Members to consider any amendments to the policy document and recommend a final version to Council for approval.
Based on the consultation responses, Licensing officers had not made significant amendments to the draft policy, however, the primary concern had been the cost of the CCTV to taxi operators. Officers had investigated any financial support that could be given and it was suggested that the possibility of discounted rates as part of the procurement process would be explored.
The consultation responses had also included a representation from an executive taxi company who had requested an exemption from the policy. However, this would need to be a decision made by Members to deal with future exemption requests by either considering them as a Sub-Committee or delegating them to Environmental Health officers.
In response to a Member’s query, the Environmental Health
Team Manager – Licensing, advised the meeting that operators
would be written to immediately following approval of the policy at
In response to another Member’s query, the Environmental Health Team Manager – Licensing explained that if a CCTV system lost power, there must be a safeguard in place that was not a battery backup.
Moved by Councillor Ray Heffer and seconded by Councillor Andrew Joesbury
RESOLVED that the consultation responses and officer comments be noted,
RECOMMENDED that Council adopt the final version of the policy and delegate
authority to the Environmental Health Team Manager - Licensing to determine the
final technical specification.
(Environmental Health Team Manager – Licensing)