Issue - meetings

Transformation Programme Review

Meeting: 23/05/2022 - Customer Services Scrutiny Committee (Item 7)

7 Transformation Programme Review pdf icon PDF 314 KB


The Assistant Director for Development and Planning provided Members with a progress update on the Transformation Programme originally agreed in 2018.  As noted in the report, the previous Customer Services & Transformation Scrutiny Committee monitored progress against the Plan, receiving periodic updates from the Transformation Governance Group. 


Members were reminded that from 130 ideas, 57 projects were formed of which 12 have been completed and are forecast to deliver £1m in revenue efficiencies.  The Assistant Director reminded Members of the changes that had taken place to the programme during the pandemic (sections 1.4 – 1.9).  As noted in section 2 of the report, changes to staffing structures and responsibilities, alongside completion of projects and the integration of other monitoring arrangements via the Business Growth Strategy and the ICT Strategy Working Group, have resulted in the Council no longer needing a separate Transformation Programme and associated governance arrangements.  Consequently the Transformation Governance Group has ceased.


Cllr Heffer raised concerns re electric fleet and the potential flexibility and sustainability of the vehicles.  It was suggested that the relevant Assistant Directors be contacted, but was noted that the Climate Change & Communities Scrutiny Committee would look at this through their monitoring arrangements.


A discussion took place around transformation/development within the District’s main town centres and it was noted the Council was looking at the Shared Prosperity Fund to help fund potential developments.


This update formed the last transformation update to the Committee.


Moved by Councillor Ray Heffer and seconded by Councillor Andrew Joesbury

RESOLVED that the update on the Transformation Programme and the subsequent changes to the management and governance of the objectives formerly contained in the now discontinued Transformation and Carbon Reduction Plans, be noted.

(Assistant Director of Development & Planning)