15 Consultation on Derbyshire Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2022-2027 PDF 305 KB
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The Housing Enforcement Manager briefed Members on the proposed countywide strategy that was currently being consulted on. The last two years had proved particularly difficult for those working in homelessness support with the ‘everybody in’ mandate and legislation changes and innovation in delivery. The new strategy gave a coordinated approach which should lead to much better outcomes for those requiring support.
It was noted that this new strategy sat under the Health & Wellbeing Board at DCC emphasising the wider links of homelessness to a person’s general health and wellbeing. The new county wide homelessness and rough sleeping strategy (see appendix 1) had a core aim to break down system blockages, and argued that a multidisciplinary approach was needed to make systems work better and that services were flexibly designed around the needs of customers.
The strategy would meet the vision and aims through the delivery of 4 clear priorities:
1. Make homelessness everyone’s responsibility through a system wide approach
2. Prevent homelessness and respond through early intervention and personalised solutions
3. End rough sleeping and repeat homelessness
4. Develop sustainable supported and settled housing solutions
Cllr Joesbury noted concern that the current living costs would increase homelessness, with a higher proportion linked to mental health issues. It was queried if there was more funding going in to this area as he was aware of a 2 year wait for some DCC services.
The Housing Enforcement Manager noted that rates of homelessness were currently peaking with 3-4 s.21 notices per day. Government were currently trying to change legislation to stop landlords moving forward with no-fault evictions, which would put local services under pressure until this was in place. A partnership approach was taken in relation to mental health, it was not just a DCC service. However, it was hoped that with the new strategy sitting under the Health & Wellbeing Board all agencies should be taking a coordinated approach.
Cllr Dixon also noted the increase in s.21 notices and felt a number of them were profit driven due to the changes in the housing market. He hoped the new legislation would be in place soon. He also queried if there would be mandatory registration of private landlords under the new legislation as this was also causing an issue in some areas.
The Housing Enforcement Manager agreed to check and give feedback to Members.
Moved by Councillor Rose Bowler and seconded by Councillor Ray Heffer.
RESOLVED that Members review and provide comment on the draft Derbyshire Homeless Strategy with a view to this being adopted by Bolsover District Council.
(Housing Enforcement Manager)